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Transformational Business Leadership Course Sydney 2017

KSP LEGAL ALERT Transformational Business Leadership Course Sydney 2017 dscf0073Transformational Business Leadership Course Sydney 2017
Kiki Setiawan & Partners Law Office proudly announce that Mr. Setiawan had awarded and taken part in the Transformational Business Leadership, a course for outstanding Alumni of Australian Universities organized by Australian Government – Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade collaborating with the University of Sydney, held in Sydney, Australia.

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The course is aimed to identify and further develop the professional skills of outstanding alumni who are emerging leaders to enable them to undertake senior executive or board positions within the private sector in the near future. Before departing to Sydney, the awardees attended the Pre-Award Workshop in Bandung, West Java to share, discuss and develop their projects. The learning experiences from the course was expected to be applied in the project.

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The awardees learned theoretical leadership principles and demonstrated practical leadership skills during the sessions through classroom sessions, case studies; site visits; workshops, discussions, and planning sessions; simulations and role plays; networking events; an in-depth individual course project.

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Some leadership topics were presented in the course such as organizational communication and influencing, coaching and performance management, leading creativity, cross-cultural leadership and management and leading under pressure and media exercise.

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The course invited speakers who are leading experts in leadership and managerial like Prof. Stefan Meisiek, Dr. Helen Parker and Dr. Dan Caprar from the University of Sydney, Jane Counsel the Director of Executive Central Group, Josephine O’Reilly from UNSW Business School.

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The learning method of the course are interesting and innovative where the selected participants had dinner discussion on leadership experiences from John Calvin the Managing Partner of Herbert Smith Freehills, field trips to New South Wales (NSW) Parliament and Qantas Head Office in Mascot and site visits to NSW Art Gallery and Victoria Barracks. Further, the networking events organized with some practitioners, lecturers, Australia Indonesia Business Council and Indonesian students to broaden the participants’ network with Australian communities.

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Interestingly, the course provided some leisure activities to experience some iconic venues in Sydney like bridge climbing at Sydney Harbor Bridge, sightseeing at the Rocks, Circular Quay, Sydney Opera House including Rocks Market and Museum of Contemporary Art as well as Sydney Aquarium and Zoo. Some awardees also participated in the Sydney Running Festival which attracted more than 30.000 local and international runners. The awardees had Sydney Seafood School thought the participants to cook a signature Morocco dish called Moroccan.

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After returning back to Indonesia, the Post-Award workshop was held in Jakarta to evaluate the learning experiences done in Sydney. Some participants shared how the course significantly affect the implementation of the project at their workplace and gave some feedbacks about the course. The committee gave the Certificate of Attainment to each awardee on the closing session.

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KSP LEGAL ALERT Transformational Business Leadership Course Sydney 2017
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