Our team includes specialists across many areas of the law and lawyers with a broader range of knowledge, skills and experiences. We possess a deep understanding of the Indonesian legal and business operating environments, as well as extensive expertise in cross-border/international legal work.
Our clients have called on us to provide services in the following areas:
Indonesia is the ninth-biggest investment destination in the world. It is in line with the growth of number of investment in Indonesia for the last five years. To start and expand business in Indonesia, any potential investors are required to clearly understand Indonesian legal and business operating environment.
CORPORATE AND COMMERCIALThe Indonesian civil law system is derived from French and German models, in which the hierarchy of legal norms plays an important role for judges in producing a court decision. Courts are not bound by the previous decisions of courts at the same level or higher. In the absence of laws in certain issue, judges are mandated to create law based on concrete legal facts (Rechtsvinding).